Child Behaviour Consultants
Training Programs
School Shadow
This training program will cover all the essential skills to shadow or facilitate a child in a mainstream enviornment. The training will cover areas such as:
- Readiness skills of the child
- Roles and responsibilieis of teachers, assistants and shadows
- Behaviour Management strategies
- Data collection
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Reinforcement
- Prompting and fading
The importance of a correctly trained shadow can not be expressed enough. A shadows role is to ensure your child has a succesful tranisiton into a less restrictive environment. The goal is also to teach the shadow how to fade out of the childs enviornment for them to become as independent as possible. This can only be done through the correct training and supervision.
Initial ABA tutor training
This is a basic introduction to ABA that will cover the basic principles and methodology of ABA programmes. Its an excellent introduction to people who wish to become ABA tutors or for tutors who have just joined a team. This course focus on the following:
- Instructions on how to take data and analyse it.
- Outlines the specific teaching procedures used in ABA programmes such as Discrete Trial Teaching and Errorless learning as well as natural enviornment teaching.
- Focus on the different teaching techniques such as prompting, shaping, chanining, fluency and mixing tasks.
- Generlaisation
- Reinforcement
- Verbal operants that are used in teaching language and communication skills.
- Behaviour Management.
Helping struggling students succeed in general education Classrooms
Applied Behaviour Analysis has many years of research behind its name, and an area that is well documented is its outcomes on early intervention. However when children move into general education classrooms they struggle with the demands in a more complex environment. This training program has taken skill areas that can be implemented by teachers and assistants in class room enviornments to ensure that children reach their full potential. We will look at different teaching techniques and how to incorporate them into the classroom teaching environment.
Parent education
Parent training programs are integral parts of our company and model of service. We believe that parent involvement and abilitiy to help their children are essential for obtaining the best long-term outcome for a child.
This is a requisite for all parents at CBC, the training sessions are aimed at improving the skills of parents and are individualized to each parent and child that may include areas such as toileting, eating problems, sleeping problems, and developing skill areas such as compliance and speech and play skills.
Our Next ABA training program for level 1.